Marketing and PR Insights from KB Woods

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Keith Woods and Phoenix Suns Ape smiling and doing thumbs up

KB Woods 2022 Video Showcase

KB Woods is a full-service marketing agency that specializes in public relations, video production, and digital marketing. In 2022, KB Woods produced a number of award-winning videos for some of Arizona’s most iconic brands, including the Fiesta Bowl, Fiesta Bowl Parade, Guaranteed Rate Bowl, Phoenix Business Journal, and Western Alliance Bank. These videos showcased the brands’ unique stories and values, and they helped to generate positive media coverage and increase brand awareness. Watch the complete series of views online at

Recent KB Woods Posts

  • Bill Schrader

William (Bill) Perry Schrader, Former Scottsdale Mayor and Salt River Project President, Dies at 93

May 24th, 2023|Case Study, Keith Woods, News, Videos|

William (Bill) Perry Schrader, Former Scottsdale Mayor and Salt River Project President, Dies at 93 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Keith Woods, KB Woods, 602-475-8179, [email protected] [Scottsdale, AZ] – William (Bill) Perry Schrader, a lifelong public servant, former Scottsdale Mayor, and Salt River Project President, passed away on May 18, 2023, at the age of 93. Born in Phoenix on August 20, 1929, to William Lawrence Philip Schrader and Lolah Savanah Hurt,

  • alex boye

Relive the Unforgettable Moments: Alex Boye’s Mental Health & Wellness Concert

May 23rd, 2023|Case Study, Videos|

Unforgettable and Uplifting: Journey through Alex Boyé's Mental Health & Wellness Concert KB Woods was honored to partner with Copa Health to create a recap video of Alex Boye's Mental Health & Wellness Concert. The event was a powerful platform to raise awareness about mental health, featuring the incredible singer Alex Boye alongside NFL great Nick Lowery and TV personality Chris Powell. In this blog post, we invite you to

  • Computer showing a calendar

Efficiency Unleashed: 5 Proven Tips for Effective Meeting Scheduling

May 22nd, 2023|Communication, Meetings|

Scheduling meetings can be a time-consuming process that often involves back-and-forth communication, which can take up valuable hours of your day. However, there are ways to streamline this process and regain control of your schedule. One powerful tool that can help you save time and avoid unnecessary hassle is a digital calendaring tool. This blog post will explore five valuable tips for practicing more collaborative and efficient meeting scheduling. Present your availability