Marketing and PR Insights from KB Woods

Welcome to the KB Woods blog page, where we bring you the latest news and updates about our agency and the industries we serve. From client videos and behind-the-scenes photos to informative posts about digital marketing, video marketing, and public relations, our blog is a living diary of the KB Woods experience. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram for even more content. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Call us at 602-699-4464

Keith Woods and Phoenix Suns Ape smiling and doing thumbs up

KB Woods 2022 Video Showcase

KB Woods is a full-service marketing agency that specializes in public relations, video production, and digital marketing. In 2022, KB Woods produced a number of award-winning videos for some of Arizona’s most iconic brands, including the Fiesta Bowl, Fiesta Bowl Parade, Guaranteed Rate Bowl, Phoenix Business Journal, and Western Alliance Bank. These videos showcased the brands’ unique stories and values, and they helped to generate positive media coverage and increase brand awareness. Watch the complete series of views online at

Recent KB Woods Posts

The Secret to Making Your Message Memorable

April 20th, 2023|Communication, Public Speaking, Storytelling|

How to Make Your Message Stick In today's world, we are constantly bombarded with information. It can be difficult to get our message across, especially when we are competing with so many other voices. But we can do a few things to increase the chances that our message will be heard and remembered. One of the most important things is to make sure that our message is clear and concise. We

Honoring the Legacy of Michael Gallagher, Arizona’s Legendary Leader, and Favorite Son

April 20th, 2023|Case Study, Keith Woods, News, Videos|

Mike Gallagher was a baseball star who became a highly respected business and sports law attorney at Gallagher & Kennedy KB Woods had the honor of being a part of the Michael Gallagher Memorial, a private ceremony held at Chase Field on Saturday, April 15, 2023. The KB Woods PR and video team represented the Gallagher family, helping to provide video content and LED board graphics that were used during

How to Determine the Right Marketing Budget for Your Business

April 20th, 2023|Marketing, News, Small Business|

How Much Money Should a Business Invest in Advertising, Social Media, Marketing, and Communications on an Annual Basis? The amount of money that a business should invest in advertising, social media, marketing, and communications on an annual basis will vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the business, the industry it operates in, its target market, and its marketing goals. However, there are some general guidelines that can