KB Woods is proud to be a classroom partner with Fiesta Bowl Charities in their annual tradition of honoring and supporting Arizona’s educators. This year’s Palo Verde Fiesta Bowl Charities Wishes for Teachers Draft Day awarded $1.25 million to 500 deserving teachers. Each teacher received $2,500 for their classroom.
Now in its eighth year, the program has expanded its giving by 25%, benefiting K-12 public and charter school teachers across Arizona. This significant funding will impact over 220,000 students in 73 cities and towns, with 368 schools receiving grants. Teachers from various fields, including agricultural studies, arts, and special needs, will see their classroom wishes fulfilled. These grants will provide essential resources ranging from new reading materials to classroom makeovers and educational events.
Since its inception, the Wishes for Teachers program has distributed approximately $7 million to over 2,100 educators. This impact has touched the lives of more than 920,000 students statewide.
Established in 2016, the Fiesta Bowl Wishes for Teachers initiative fulfills classroom wishes for Arizona’s K-12 teachers. In addition to reading materials, teachers are hoping to use their grants for items like robotics kits, art supplies, and STEM materials.
At KB Woods, we stand committed to this cause, recognizing teachers’ crucial role in shaping our community’s future. Join us in supporting and celebrating these educators who are the backbone of our society.