Marketing and PR Insights from KB Woods

Welcome to the KB Woods blog page, where we bring you the latest news and updates about our agency and the industries we serve. From client videos and behind-the-scenes photos to informative posts about digital marketing, video marketing, and public relations, our blog is a living diary of the KB Woods experience. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram for even more content. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Call us at 602-699-4464

Keith Woods and Phoenix Suns Ape smiling and doing thumbs up

KB Woods 2022 Video Showcase

KB Woods is a full-service marketing agency that specializes in public relations, video production, and digital marketing. In 2022, KB Woods produced a number of award-winning videos for some of Arizona’s most iconic brands, including the Fiesta Bowl, Fiesta Bowl Parade, Guaranteed Rate Bowl, Phoenix Business Journal, and Western Alliance Bank. These videos showcased the brands’ unique stories and values, and they helped to generate positive media coverage and increase brand awareness. Watch the complete series of views online at

Recent KB Woods Posts

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Why Your Business Needs Digital Marketing

December 5th, 2023|Digital Marketing, Google Reviews, Media Planning and Buying, Review Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization|

Digital Marketing is a critical part of an integrated marketing plan Since 2004, the landscape of digital marketing has expanded exponentially, paralleling the growth of giants like Amazon and Apple. In this digital era, understanding how to navigate and leverage digital marketing is crucial for every business. Navigating the Digital Universe The digital business world offers numerous free platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Yelp, and Google My Business,

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Conserving Orme Ranch: A Legacy of Sustainability

December 4th, 2023|Featured, News|

In the heart of Yavapai County, Arizona, a significant stride was taken toward environmental stewardship and sustainable agriculture. The Orme Family, custodians of the historic Orme Ranch, announced in August the establishment of a Conservation Easement over nearly 1,000 acres of their land. This decisive action was supported by the Central Arizona Land Trust, reflecting a commitment to protect and preserve the scenic beauty and agricultural heritage of the area. The

  • Keith Woods Speaking at the 2023 PRSA Copper Anvil Awards

Crafting Resonant Messages in a Crowded World

November 29th, 2023|Communication, Storytelling|

In the modern world, where information overload is the norm, getting your message to cut through the noise is challenging. However, with the right approach, you can increase the likelihood of your message not only being heard but also making a lasting impression. Here are some tips for crafting resonant messages: Clarity and Conciseness Straight to the Point: Deliver your message quickly and straightforwardly. Accessible Language: Avoid jargon and speak in terms