Improve the way you Look in Zoom Meetings

CEO Keith Woods Column in Phoenix Business Journal Leadership Panel
According to Keith Woods in the Phoenix Business Journal‘s Leadership Trust:
It seems like most of us got a quick introduction to videoconferencing when COVID-19 broke out in the United States in mid-March. We hunkered down in our home offices, kitchens and dining rooms and conducted business from our laptops.
If you weren’t technically savvy by then, in a short period of time you learned a number of new skills, whether you liked it or not. Videoconferencing with Zoom, Facetime, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet became the new norm.
Now it appears many businesses are following the lead of Facebook and Ford Motor Company and making remote work a longer-term reality. Many companies are keeping workers at home into 2021, and in some cases permanently. This means that remote employees are going to have to really up their game when it comes to presenting or participating in online video meetings.
Here are five effective things that you can do now to improve your next video call.
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